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Published: January 7th 2015

by: Caitlin Jackson



The Next Frontierof Business

Business created with more social consciousness in order to create a larger impact.

Business has new motivation: social justice. Non-profit donations are no longer an after-thought for business, they are the reasons for starting. Profitable companies lead to greater equality and opportunity for you and for others. Through a partnership with customers, social issues can be tackled on a larger scale; everyone can help alleviate the problems created by poverty. With all these minds at work, conscious business can become the work of cooperation rather than competition. Perhaps putting the issue of poverty to rest completely.

'FMSC Distribution Partner - Northwest Haiti Christian Mission’

There's nowhere to hide. The issues of the day are everywhere to be seen. Environment being destroyed, children don't have food, people without homes. Images of these things thrown in your face everyday. TV, Internet, or even in your neighborhood. Hiding from them doesn't make them go away. The problems only continue. With the beginning of programs like the Buy One, Give One, you've been given an opportunity to do something. Giving away products may only provide temporary relief to those in need. But the demand of such products shows that social issues are a priority for many consumers. Especially for millennials.

The expansion of such programs gives a potential new meaning to the business/consumer relationship. You make a purchase for something you need, you're demands on doing good are heard. Purchases are no longer based on the quality of the product alone. They are a means to solve a larger problem. You know your need for shoes is trivial compared to the millions without anything on their feet. In the new world of business, getting what you need gives you a chance to make a difference.

Buying leads to a ripple effect. It creates jobs, uses resources, and helps those in need. Until now, you've had very little say in how companies did these things. But as the criteria for social cause becomes a buying factor, companies must be more transparent in their decisions. The openness between businesses and customers allows them to work together to reach out and connect with those in need. Giving you a more active role in the world while doing an everyday activity .

'Walk a Mile in My Toms'

Connect with conscious business, connect with the world.

  • The meaning of consumption is shifting from ‘for me’ to ‘for us’
  • The partnership between businesses and it’s consumers allows them to work proactively to help find solutions to social and environmental issues.