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Published: August 18th 2015

by: Caitlin Jackson

GrowA Row

'Garden Row, day 345'
by Kevin K

Give your extraharvest tothose in need.

A charity organization designed to spread the food around.

Gardening often results in too little or too much harvest. You’re either stuck with a failed experiment or forced to give your extra away to friends and family. Farmer Chip Paillix has another idea for your surplus. Donate it to the local food bank.


Since 2002, Chip Paillix and his family have donated their homegrown food to local communities. What started off as a side project has begun the nonprofit mission, Grow a Row. It’s a simple idea to grow a little extra for those unable to do it themselves. Paillix now has 49 acres of land and in 2014 donated 1.2 million pounds of food.

He does not just take the food to the food bank, he invites the recipients to the farm, to help harvest and be apart of the process. Families arrive together on a bus to enjoy and learn about the food they eat. Every other week, Grow a Row also delivers fresh produce to areas that have little access to healthy affordable food through a program called, Free Farm Market.

The Grow a Row farm donates to areas in New Jersey. Even if you’re not nearby to participate, you could easily donate your garden surplus to your own community.

Canada also has a Grow a Row organization. It’s set up to help community members start their own Grow a Row campaign. They provide a step by step guide to get you started. Gardening is often a quiet activity to do alone, but now you don’t have to be the only one to benefit from it. Working together, the home gardeners can feed the world.

'What Started as a Small Garden Now Feeds Thousands'

Grow an extra row in your garden for your community.

  • Now a home garden can really help feed everyone.
  • Bring the food supply closer to those in your city.